Treasure Hunting
This time of year can be a letdown; the holiday frenzy is over, decorations come down, and the cold weather sends shivers of rain or snow.
In Antique co-ops, it seems to be the time to bid farewell to friends, that have become family. (We’ll miss you, Lynn.) Owner’s do the booth space shuffle, and there’s always the seasonal maintenance; wall patching, touch up painting and carpet cleaning. Then there’s cleaning out the hoard, but that's another blog. Yikes, that last one gave me a mini panic attack.
Anyway, this time of year is always a bit like a treasure hunt at Morgantown Market. When the holiday decor is gone what's left are old textiles, vintage clothing, home decor, master craftsmen's stained glass, paintings, signs, paper art, furniture, vintage, primitives and antiques that offer beauty and simplicity at reasonable prices.
Antiques and Vintage offer timeless design, original paint on the furniture has been scuffed and rubbed over decades, not faked by a machine in parts unknown. And, sometimes new life is given to furniture that was destined for the trash heap by one of our talented painters and restorationists.
Consider looking for old glassware, that when brilliantly cut, sparkles with the most minimal lighting, lamps that are substantial and not easily knocked over by rambunctious children or pets, and pretty china/everyday dishes that make meals an event (especially if you're on the New Year’s diet plan). Do you need some real flatware to keep in your desk at work? Face it, we all have had to eat salad with a spoon and most likely, salad is in all of our futures for the next couple of weeks.
Discover a Co-op in your neck of the woods or travel out to our area. We look forward to meeting you and sharing our beautiful store with all of you.
We wish you all health and happiness in the New Year. Thank you to all our friends, old and new for your support. Hope to see you soon.